Create a Remote (Virtual) Location

A remote (virtual) location provides a means for an organization to account for those employees who telecommute or do not have a company physical location close to their residence.

To create a remote (virtual) location:

  1. On the Locations Management screen, click Add New Location.
  2. Select the Remote (Virtual) option, and click Continue.
  3. Complete the fields on the form.
    • Location Name: The location name is automatically created by the system.

    • Location Code: Enter the location’s code.

    • Company Name: Select a company name from the drop-down list.

    • Country: Select the country from the list provided.

    • Currency: Select the monetary currency from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save.

    There can only be one remote location per country for a company. However, if an organization has more than one company (that is, first tier in the organizational structure) in a country, a remote location can be created for each first level in the company hierarchy.